Welcome to Jasaron Learning Institute

JLI is a hybrid learning and tutoring center providing tutoring services for students from PreK to 12th grade, Homeschool Co-op, Afterschool program, SAT/ACT, and many more programs. Adult learners participate in training, seminars, life coaching, and career workforce programs are held.

Questions & Answers

What services are available?

Go to the “Services Available” link or look on the calendar for monthly scheduled programs.

Do you only service children?

No, we are a hybrid learning center. We work with children and adults but at different scheduled times.

My child is struggling in school and I don’t know what to do. How can you help?

We offer tutoring services for all learners and in all subjects.  

Do I have to register or register my child(ren) ahead of time for a program?

Yes, you do. Registering before a program allows us time to prepare and properly staff.

My child has low self-esteem and hates school. Can you help?

Yes. We focus on every aspect of your child. However, the child must willing to be helped. If the child feels as if attending the center is a “punishment” or a burden for the parent, the journey to success is not possible. Attending any education center is optional to assist in accomplishing educational goals.  

What if I don’t have the time to bring my child every week?

We work with families and their schedules.  

I am struggling with life. I don’t know what path to take. Can you help?

Depending on the services needed, yes. We offer life and career coaching.    

I didn’t graduate from high school and having trouble getting a good-paying job. I don’t know what to do. Can you help?

Yes. We offer a GED Test Prep course, interviewing skills, and resume writing courses. All courses are reasonably priced and provide continuous support.  

Do you only help children who are struggling? My child is advanced and bored with school. How can you help?

No, we work with all learners. We create individual education plans for each learner.

My company needs some training on “Diversity/Inclusion/Equality” and looking for specific information to be taught. Can you write a specific curriculum and do the training?

Yes, we can develop a curriculum specifically for your company and do the training. Our trainings are engaging and applicable.

Does the company make everyone sign a contract for services?

No, we do not have any contracts for tutoring, seminars, test prep, evening programs, or life coaching services. However, we do have recommended hours for different programs to show success.

Yes, we do for curriculum development and training.

Are all programs in-person or virtual?

No, all programs are not all in-person or virtual. Some programs are a hybrid model (in-person and virtual).

We do offer both, in-person and virtual services.

What curriculum or resources are used?

A variety of curricula and resources are utilized. Depending on the need, a computer resource may be utilized. Some resources are specially created by JLI for its learners.

My child has a disability, can you still help? I have a disability and can’t remember anything. Does this matter?

Yes, we can help. No, it does not matter if a person has a disability. We service everyone and work with everyone’s learning styles. Most people who have a hard time remembering are kinesthetic learners and must write everything down. We teach and provide different strategies to help everyone learn. The biggest thing is making sure the person or child wants to attend.

Are you a faith-based organization?

Yes, all of our principles are based on Biblical principles. However, we do not promote any religion or religious organization. We do believe in co-existing with other denominations and religious/spiritual beliefs.

Do you have a PreK program? Is your program full-time?

Yes, we have a PreK program. The program is a part-time program that runs for 2 or 3 days and from 9 am to 12 pm. We accept children who are 3 1/2 years old and must be potty-trained.

Do you have summer camps?

Yes, we have summer camps starting in mid-June. Our camps are Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12 pm and an afternoon session, as designated.

Do you have any leadership or ethique classes?

Yes, we do offer leadership and ethique classes for children and adults.

Have a question not answered here? Contact us at info@jasaronlearninginstitute.com or call 757-208-7407

Jasaron Learning Institute, LLC, Tutoring, Chesapeake, VA