Tips for A Great School Year
Welcome back! It is the beginning of another school year and despite all of the challenges being faced, it is possible to have a safe and great school year! Yes, things seem very challenging and can cause much anxiety. However, how we respond, treat others and ourselves will determine if things will get worst or better. Unfortunately, there is no perfect answer or solution on how to make it through each day. The only thing we can do is do our best and be a positive influence in our small circle of influence. Remember, one person can make a difference. That one person can be you. Here are some tips to help children and your family during the school year:
Pray a prayer of protection over your children and family daily.
Create and set a schedule for going to bed, watching tv, playing video games (or screen time), doing homework, and waking up.
Set a daily routine for you and the children.
Create a family secret code so your children (all ages) will know who they can go with during emergencies or other times. Having a family secret code can help prevent your children from going with a stranger that tells them you sent them.
Eat together (breakfast and dinner).
Smile at or be kind to those you encounter. The world needs a little bit of kindness and respect.
In all that you do, remember to continue persevering through the challenges you encounter. If any tutoring or academic help is needed, please reach out to us at 757-208-7407 or contact us at
Be safe and blessed,
Dr. Auguste