K - 12th Grade
Virtual Learning Assistance
• Is your child struggling with their virtual classes or need help?
• We are here to help. We provide internet services and academic support.
Purpose: To ensure student success, support for parents and the school system.
Students can be dropped off for 4 hours at a time to be monitored as they are participating in their virtual classes. The staff monitors are here to support the student. They will ensure the student is focused, able to get online and complete all of their work. Special arrangements can be made. Jasaron Learning Institute LLC is here to take off some of the stress and ensure students are still getting the support they need to be successful while navigating through these times.
Homeschool Education Support
• Are you homeschooling and need help with doing small groups? We can do small groups for you.
• Do you want your child to focus on certain academic skills and be able to have student discourse? We can help.
• We focus on the whole child and all subjects. We can help build up your child’s self-esteem and leadership skills.
Purpose: To provide students who are homeschooled to have the opportunity to be instructed by a different adult, provide a small academic group instruction while focusing on specific subjects and skills. Group sizes are 6 or less.
Students can attend for two (2) hours or three and a half (3 ½) hours on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Every student has individual goals and an education plan for success. Instruction focuses on a subject selected. The center works closely with the parent to identify needs to ensure the parent’s homeschool program is supported and enhanced.
Small-Group Tutoring or Private Tutoring
• Is your child below/on/above grade level? Would you like to help them get on/above grade level?
• Let us help. We can help any child get on-grade level despite how low they are in their academics. We require a commitment and a willing child/adult. We can build up self-esteem and academic levels.
• If your child is on/above grade level, we can ensure they go above grade level and are comfortable with plenty of academic strategies to continue to soar.
Purpose: To focus on the specific subject and provide direct instruction on a variety of academic skills. Group sizes are 6 or less.
Students can attend for two (2) hours or three and a half (3 ½) hours on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Every student has individual goals and an education plan for success. Students start with their affirmation, a writing exercise, complete quick drills and work on skills 13 identified. Reading materials could be fiction or non-fiction. Group activities will include “I do, We do, you do, and independent.” Consistency is the key to help close gaps.
After School Program
• Do you need someone to watch your kids before going to and after school? We are here to help.
• We can ensure they are ready for school.
• We will help them get all of their schoolwork done.
• When no schoolwork is provided, additional academic work will be provided to strengthen various academic skills.
Purpose: To provide a quality before and after school academic rich environment for students. To provide a safe, nurturing, and loving environment that will help build self-esteem and leadership skills.
Students will be supported with all of the work from school. If the student does not have schoolwork, academic enrichment will be provided for all students to continue developing academic areas. Aside from academic development, students will be able to participate in enhancing their creativity through art, play, reading time, and small group activities.
Leadership Camp
This camp will teach the kids about their leadership style and the importance of being a leader and not a follower. We will also discuss self-love and ways to identify self-goals.
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Visit our booking page and book a session today!