Tis the season of “gratitude.” What are you grateful for? Have you ever thought about how grateful we should be to read, write, compute mathematics, and learn new things? Education is the key to everything. Many may not agree, and it depends on a person’s perspective and life experiences. How and why is education the key to everything? Well, education is not just a college degree, it involves “learning a new skill, trade, or simply something new.” As we expand our knowledge base we are able to accept and appreciate differences. Education helps to broaden our minds. It is not just about getting an education “to get a job.” It is about opening our minds to the vast knowledge that exists.
The reason people are not always willing to accept differences or be open to something different is that they have chosen to close their minds to learning. Ignorance is not always “bliss.” When we are open to learning, seeing, and appreciating a different perspective/skill, the more humble we become. The more one learns, the more you realized that you really don’t know that much. Every day in life is a lesson. Every situation has a million different ways that it can be resolved. Therefore, nothing in life is absolute except that a tree is a tree (and some may even argue about that). There is so much to learn and there is not enough time to learn a 1/10th of anything. As you learn, things evolve and change. Then, you have to relearn and evolve, as well. We should never be complacent.
Growing and evolving is necessary. It is important to see each day as a new opportunity to learn something new and meet someone different. Be grateful for difference and the power of education. So, be sure to teach the children the importance of being grateful for what they have and telling others “Thank you.” Reflect, show gratitude, and be reminded that every day is a new day to learn something different.